
This tour promises a profound exploration of the country. Delve into the heart of Bhutan through excursions and walking tours in Paro, Thimphu (the capital), Punakha, and the scenic Phobjikha Valley in Wangdue.


Note: Please note that the provided itinerary serves as a general guide to give you an idea of the tour. Further customization will be made based on factors such as the season, your interests, group size, and preferred duration. This flexibility ensures that your tour is tailored to meet your specific needs and preferences, guaranteeing a personalized and unforgettable experience in Bhutan.

As suggested by the name, the trip will give you a deeper understanding of the Bhutan. The tour covers excursions and walking tours in Paro, Thimphu (Capital of Bhutan), Punakha and Phobjikha valley in Wangdue.

Tour Highlights:

– Enjoy breathtaking bird’s eye views of the Himalayas during your flights to and from Paro.
– Explore Paro, Thimphu, Punakha, and Wangdue through guided excursions and walking tours.
– Experience the vibrant weekend nightlife and Farmers Market in Thimphu.
– Visit Dochula Pass for its stunning 360-degree panoramic view of the Himalayas.
– Discover the beauty of Punakha Dzong, considered one of Bhutan’s most magnificent fortresses.
– Embark on a memorable hike to Taktsang Monastery, also known as the Tiger’s Nest.
– Immerse yourself in nature with scenic nature trails in Phobjikha Valley, Wangdue.
– If your tour coincides with a festival, attend and experience the colorful Bhutanese festivals.
– Indulge in Bhutanese culture, tradition, and cuisine throughout your journey.

Day-to-Day Itinerary:

Day 01: Arrival in Paro, Transfer to Thimphu
– Welcome to Bhutan! Upon arrival at Paro International Airport, you’ll be greeted by your guide.
– Drive to Thimphu, check into the hotel, and enjoy your first taste of Bhutanese cuisine. Optional light sightseeing in Thimphu.
– Visit the viewpoint to see Bhutan’s national animal, the Takin.

Day 02: Tour of Thimphu Valley
– Explore the Heritage Museum, Textile Museum, Thimphu Dzong, and National Memorial Chorten.
– Visit the Paper Factory and Simtokha Dzong.
– Experience the vibrant Centenary Farmers’ Market.

Day 03: Thimphu to Punakha
– Journey through Dochula Pass and visit Punakha Dzong.
– Explore Khamsum Yulley Namgyal Chorten.

Day 04: Punakha to Gangtey
– Visit Chhimi Lhakhang and pause to view Wangdue Phodrang Dzong.
– Travel to Gangtey and explore the Phobjikha Valley.

Day 05: Gangtey, Sightseeing, and Walking Tours
– Observe the black-necked cranes in Phobjikha Valley.
– Visit Gangtey Goempa, an old monastery dating back to the 17th century.

Day 06: Gangtey to Paro
– Return to Paro and explore Paro Valley.
– Visit Paro Dzong and Ta Dzong, which houses the National Museum.

Day 07: Paro, Hike to Tiger’s Nest
– Embark on a memorable hike to Taktsang Monastery.
– Visit Kyichu Lhakhang, one of Bhutan’s oldest temples.

Day 08: Departure from Paro
– Bid farewell to Bhutan and depart for your next destination.

Package Cost:

In addition to the Sustainable Development Fee (SDF) of USD 200 per person per night, the package includes accommodation, meals, entrance fees, guide services, and private transportation. Contact us to customize a package tailored to your budget and interests.

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