Your Journey,

The journey to reach Bhutan is in itself an adventure, but it’s one to be savored at every step, including during its planning.


First thing

                                                 Getting a visa for your visit to Bhutan is simple and straightforward. The entire process takes just a few minutes, and then you’re ready to enter the kingdom.


Ways to

                                                Bhutan’s topography makes for exhilarating drives and breathtaking hikes. A fleet of transport options is at your disposal, including mountain bikes, motorbikes, yaks, domestic buses, flights, SUVs with private drivers, and helicopter services.

Arrive by Air

Bhutan has two national airlines: Drukair and Bhutan Airlines. Direct flights to and from our international airport in Paro connect you to Bangladesh (Dhaka), India (Bagdora, Gauhati, Kolkata and New Delhi), Nepal (Kathmandu), Singapore, and Thailand (Bangkok).

Arrive by Road

Bhutan has two national airlines: Drukair and Bhutan Airlines. Direct flights to and from our international airport in Paro connect you to Bangladesh (Dhaka), India (Bagdora, Gauhati, Kolkata and New Delhi), Nepal (Kathmandu), Singapore, and Thailand (Bangkok).

Travel in the Country

The most convenient way to travel in Bhutan is by hiring a vehicle and driver from a car rental company or tourism service provider. Self-drive vehicles are not available in Bhutan. You can also book local drivers or transport services, and your hotel can arrange transport for you.

Bhutan has four airports connecting its western, central, southern, and eastern regions. While airlines strive to provide excellent service, Bhutan’s unique landscape can cause occasional delays. Yonphula Airport in eastern Bhutan experiences unpredictable weather in the summer, leading to sporadic flight delays or cancellations. Other domestic airports are located in Bumthang and Gelephu, with the international airport in Paro.

We recommend contacting our hosts or a local tour operator before planning domestic flights or other travel within the country.

The check-in baggage allowance for domestic flights is 30 kg for business class and 20 kg for economy class. International travelers should always keep their passports with them, ensuring a minimum validity of six months.

The Royal Bhutan Helicopter Services Limited (RBHSL) is available for private hire. The RBHSL was initially founded for emergency medical evacuations, but it also caters to heli-hiking and other guest services, making otherwise long journeys possible in less time, while offering an aerial view of our kingdom. Helicopters only fly in clear and calm weather conditions.

We invite you to consult our hosts for more information on accredited transport services and tour operators ahead of your trip to Bhutan.

Travel Etiquette


                                                Bhutan is a small country with a colorful cultural tapestry and deeply rooted beliefs. Our genuinely hospitable and compassionate people rarely refuse guests’ requests. It’s therefore useful to know our local customs so that, when we welcome you to our kingdom, you may tread lightly on our soil and sacred sites..

Bhutan is the last Vajrayana Buddhist country in the world, home to many revered religious sites—from roadside stupas to temples, monasteries, and nunneries.

Please maintain silence to respect our people’s faith when visiting any sacred site. Be mindful when photographing those praying or participating in our many holy festivals. Ensure you do not stand between religious observers and an altar or otherwise obstruct our people’s right to practice their faith in peace.

As a sign of respect, remove caps and hats when visiting sacred sites or meeting elders. If seated on the floor with a monk, nun, elder, or host, sit cross-legged. When visiting a temple, wear long sleeves and cover your legs. Remove your shoes upon entering and refrain from taking photos inside sacred sites. Do not sit on the lamas’ sacred thrones or touch any religious items or paintings.

Make Your Visit Unforgettable.

Contact us today to start planning your journey through the wonders of Bhutan.
× Kuzu Zangpo la!